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This calculator converts odds formats between decimal/European, fractional, moneyline/American, Hong Kong, Indonesian and Malay formats. The associated implied probability is also calculated.
To use the calculator, simply input the odds in the format of your choosing and press “Convert”. If you experience any difficulties try refreshing the page.
Odds Conversion Calculator
Decimal Odds Conversion Formulas
Decimal odds represent the total return from a winning 1 unit bet. A winning $10 bet at 1.50 decimal odds would return $15.00 for a $5.00 profit (50% return).
Fractional Odds (UK)
Fractional odds express the net return (in fractional form) from a winning 1 unit bet. A winning $10 bet at 1/2 fractional odds would return $15.00 for a $5.00 profit (50% return).
Decimal to Fractional: Decimal = fractional + 1 (expressed as a decimal number, e.g. 1.50)
Fractional to Decimal: Fractional = decimal – 1 (expressed as a fraction, e.g. 3/2)
Moneyline/American Odds
When negative, the American odds indicate the number of units that would need to be successfully wagered to win 100 units. When positive, American odds express the number of units that can be won from a 100 units wager. Note that +100 and -100 are both equivalent to decimal odds of 2.00.
Decimal to Moneyline/American
For decimal odds between 1.00 and 2.00: American = -100 / (decimal – 1)
For decimal odds above 2.00: American = (decimal – 1) * 100 (often expressed with a + in front, e.g. 3.00 in decimal odds equals +200 in American odds)
Moneyline/American to Decimal
For American odds >= +100: decimal = (American / 100) + 1
For American odds <= -100: decimal = (-100 / American) + 1
Hong Kong Odds
Hong Kong odds express the net return from a winning 1 unit bet. A winning $10 bet at 0.50 Hong Kong odds would return $15.00 for a $5.00 profit (50% return).
Decimal to Hong Kong: Decimal = Hong Kong + 1
Hong Kong to Decimal: Hong Kong = Decimal – 1
Indonesian Odds
When positive, Indonesian odds express the net return from a winning 1 unit bet. When negative, Indonesian odds represent the number of units needed to be wagered in order to win 1 unit. Note that both 1 and -1 are equivalent to decimal odds of 2.00. Indonesian odds equal American odds divided by 100. Note that both 1 and -1 are equivalent to decimal odds of 2.00.
Decimal to Indonesian
For decimal odds between 1.00 and 2.00: Indonesian = -1 / (decimal – 1)
For decimal odds above 2.00: Indonesian = decimal – 1
Indonesian to Decimal
For Indonesian odds >= 1: decimal = Indonesian + 1
For Indonesian odds <= -1: decimal = (-1 / Indonesian) + 1
Malay Odds
When positive, Malay odds express the net return from a winning 1 unit bet. When negative, Malay odds represent the number of units needed to be wagered in order to win 1 unit. Malay odds fall between -1 and 1, but cannot equal zero. Note that both 1 and -1 are equivalent to decimal odds of 2.00.
Decimal to Malay
For decimal odds between 1.00 and 2.00: Malay = decimal – 1
For decimal odds above 2.00: Malay = -1 / (decimal – 1)
Malay to Decimal
For Malay odds between 0 and 1: decimal = Malay + 1
For Malay odds between -1 and 0: decimal = (-1 / Malay) + 1
Implied Probability
Implied probability is the probability of an outcome occurring as implied by the bookmaker odds. As with all measures of probability, the implied probability always falls in the range 0 <= implied probability <= 1. It is typically expressed as a percentage. Learn more about implied probability.
Decimal to Implied Probability: Decimal = 1 / implied probability
Implied Probability to Decimal: Implied Probability = 1 / decimal